.Jéssica (Kristal).1991 - Aquarius - Pansexual
(Any Pronouns)
bestfriend. atiny. tinkerbell. insomnia
**.♥. ==
Cats, music, fics, coffee
dramas, kpop, lgbt movies/series/books
==.TW. ==
clown contents, jumpscare, mutilated and injured animals contents.==
.</3. **
invalidate any LGBTQIA+, support/justify pedophilia, racist.


pt-br/eng, lgbt+, ateez, dreamcatcher, knk, boyfriend, crossover, angst, fluffy, fantasy au, non au, etc...
I don't write
abo, mpreg, incest, bdsm
main couple
side couples
dongwoo, woosang, youngwoo, seungji, yoodong, suayeon, dadong, sansang, yungi.


Cliches [Seongjoong - one shot] (ptbr)
Lie [Seongjoong - one shot] (ptbr)
Thank U [Seongjoong - one shot] (ptbr) (eng)
One More Dream [Seongjoong - one shot] (eng)
Inception [Seongjoong - serie] (ptbr)
Butterfly [Seongjoong - one shot](ptbr)
Eu queria ser o San [Woosan/Woosang - one shot](ptbr)
Desejo de Natal[Seongjoong - one shot](ptbr)
Shoot Me[Seongjoong - one shot](ptbr)
Saudades. De Você.[Seongjoong - one shot](ptbr)
Bom dia, Família![Seongjoong - one shot](ptbr)
Fireworks[Seongjoong - one shot](ptbr)
New Life[Seongjoong - long fic](ptbr)
Jardim de Lágrimas[Seongjoong - one shot](ptbr)
Coming in Brasil[Seongjoong - one shot](ptbr)
Sorry [Dongwoo - one shot](ptbr)
Just Friends [Jeongkwang - one shot](ptbr)
Dois corações, uma vida [none - long fic](ptbr)
Rain [Sungkwang - one shot](ptbr)
Distance [Dongwoo - one shot](ptbr)
Goodbye [Jeongseong - one shot](ptbr)
Magic Drinks [Jeongseong - one shot](ptbr)
Uma dose de solidão [Jeongseong - one shot](ptbr)
Rise Up [Jeongseong - one shot](ptbr)
Musica, Estrelas e Voce [Jeongkwang - one shot](ptbr)
Let it Snow [none - one shot](ptbr)
Guilty [none - one shot](ptbr)
Uma noite, um drink [Youngwoo - one shot](ptbr)
Verdade ou Desafio? [one shot](ptbr)
Visco [Youngwoo - one shot](ptbr)
Uma Nova Noite de Natal [Jeongseong - one shot](ptbr)
Nada Melhor que o Natal [Jeongkwang - one shot](ptbr)
Aula [Youngseong- one shot](ptbr)
Wish [Jeongseong - long fic](ptbr)
Ultimo dia [Dongwoo - one shot](ptbr)
Quiz [Youngseong- one shot](ptbr)
Dance with me [Jeongseong - long fic](ptbr)
Dispatch [Dongwoo - one shot](ptbr)
Apenas uma dança [Dongwoo- one shot] (collab with queenyngrid)(ptbr)
Erro no Sistema [Jeongseong - one shot] (collab with queenyngrid)(ptbr)
Bewitch [Dongwoo/Jeongseong/Youngwoo - long fic](ptbr)
Mais que amigos [Jeongseong - one shot] (collab with queenyngrid)(ptbr)
Apaixonadinha [Yoodong - one shot](ptbr)
Entre as Estantes [Yoodong - one shot] (collab with queenyngrid)(ptbr)
A magia das Almas [Yoodong - one shot](ptbr)
Just Like a Dream [Heejin - one shot](ptbr)
Lights Out [Seungji - one shot](ptbr)


== ** In progress ** ==
• New Life
== ** Projects** ==
== ** Upcoming releases ** ==
• Yunsan angelxhuman
== ** Possible Ideas ** ==
• Seongjoong angelxdemon



